Research Paper Submission Guidelines

GreenField Advanced Research Publishing House welcomes submissions in all areas related to Management, Social Sciences, IT, Engineering and Applied Science. Manuscript must be in english prepared on a standard A4 size paper setting. It must be prepared in 12-point Times New Roman.

a) Each manuscript requires an abstract with a length of 10 - 15 lines in 12 point font Times New Roman and Italic, followed by 5 - 7 keywords.

b) Type-written manuscripts in MS Word (.doc) format should be submitted by E-mail to

c) Research Papers/Review Articles will be published in the Journal after peer-review process.

d) Leave 1 inch margin for each - top, bottom, left and right.

e) List of references must be present.

f) Papers without references will not be reviewed.

g) Section headers will be bold faced sentence case whereas sub-section header will be in normal style, both indented at 0.5 inch.

h) Once the paper is accepted, the authors will be required to send the signed copy of copyright Form by E-mail to

i) It is mandatory for all the authors to sign the copyright Form.

j) The decision of Reviewers will be final and canvassing in any form will be disqualification of authors in future issues.

Latest News

  • IJARMSS, IJARIE and IJAREAS are monthly online journals. Papers can be submitted by authors anytime during month for publication.

  • The Issues of the journals shall be officially released on 25th of every month.

  • The journals welcomes paper of high quality on product development, human resources management, project management, logistics, production management, e-commerce, quality management, financial planning, risk management, decision support systems, General Management, Banking, Insurance, Economics, IT, Computer Science, Cyber Security
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